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How To Make Peanut Chikki For Toddlers FirstCry Parenting

Learn How To Make This Delicious Moongfali Chikki PeanutChikkiRecipe

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Cover Learn How To Make This Delicious Moongfali Chikki PeanutChikkiRecipe (600x700)

Table of Contents

  1. What is Peanut Chikki?
  2. How to Make Peanut Chikki?
  3. Variations of Peanut Chikki
  4. Health Benefits of Peanut Chikki
  5. Tips for Making Peanut Chikki

What is Peanut Chikki?

Peanut chikki is a traditional Indian sweet made from peanuts and jaggery. It is a popular snack during festivals and is loved by people of all ages. The combination of crunchy peanuts and sweet jaggery makes it a delightful treat.

How to Make Peanut Chikki?

To make peanut chikki, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups peanuts
  • 1 cup jaggery
  • 1 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter)

Here's a step-by-step guide to making peanut chikki:

  1. Heat a pan on medium heat and dry roast the peanuts until they turn golden brown. Make sure to stir them continuously to prevent burning.
  2. Remove the roasted peanuts from the pan and let them cool for a few minutes.
  3. Once the peanuts have cooled down, remove the skin by rubbing them between your palms.
  4. In the same pan, melt the jaggery on low heat. Stir it continuously until it reaches a syrup-like consistency.
  5. Add the roasted peanuts to the jaggery syrup and mix well.
  6. Remove the mixture from heat and quickly transfer it onto a greased surface or a butter paper.
  7. Spread the mixture evenly using a rolling pin. You can leave it thick or roll it thin, depending on your preference.
  8. Allow the mixture to cool completely and then cut it into desired shapes.
  9. Your homemade peanut chikki is ready to be enjoyed!

Variations of Peanut Chikki

While the classic peanut chikki is delicious on its own, you can also experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create interesting variations. Here are a few ideas:

1. Chocolate Peanut Chikki

Add a twist to the traditional recipe by melting some dark chocolate and mixing it with the jaggery syrup. This will give your peanut chikki a rich and indulgent chocolatey flavor.

2. Sesame Peanut Chikki

Replace a portion of the peanuts with sesame seeds to add a nutty and crunchy texture to your chikki. The combination of peanuts and sesame seeds creates a unique flavor profile.

3. Coconut Peanut Chikki

Add some desiccated coconut to the jaggery syrup for a tropical twist. The coconut adds a subtle sweetness and enhances the overall taste of the chikki.

Health Benefits of Peanut Chikki

Peanut chikki not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also offers several health benefits. Here are some of the reasons why you should include peanut chikki in your diet:

1. High in Protein

Peanuts are an excellent source of plant-based protein. They provide essential amino acids that are important for muscle repair and growth. Including peanut chikki in your diet can help meet your daily protein requirements.

2. Rich in Healthy Fats

Peanuts are packed with healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are beneficial for heart health and can help lower bad cholesterol levels.

3. Good Source of Fiber

Peanuts are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer periods. Including peanut chikki in your snacks can help prevent overeating and promote healthy digestion.

4. Provides Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Peanuts are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, niacin, folate, and magnesium. These nutrients play a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Tips for Making Peanut Chikki

To ensure that your peanut chikki turns out perfect every time, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Use Good Quality Peanuts

Choose fresh and high-quality peanuts for the best results. Avoid using stale or rancid peanuts, as they can affect the taste and texture of the chikki.

2. Roast the Peanuts Well

Roasting the peanuts until they turn golden brown enhances their flavor and crunchiness. Make sure to stir them continuously to prevent burning.

3. Use Fresh Jaggery

Use fresh and soft jaggery for making the syrup. If the jaggery is too hard, you can grate or chop it into smaller pieces to speed up the melting process.

4. Work Quickly

Once the jaggery syrup is ready, work quickly to mix in the peanuts and transfer the mixture onto a greased surface. The syrup tends to harden quickly, so it's important to be efficient.

5. Allow Sufficient Cooling Time

Ensure that the chikki is completely cool and hardened before cutting it into shapes. This will prevent it from breaking or crumbling.


Peanut chikki is a delicious and healthy sweet treat that can be enjoyed by everyone. Whether you follow the traditional recipe or experiment with different variations, peanut chikki is sure to satisfy your cravings. With its high protein content, healthy fats, and various nutrients, it is a guilt-free indulgence. So go ahead and make some peanut chikki at home, and enjoy the crunchy and sweet goodness!

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