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Can You Mix Bread Flour And All Purpose Flour Bread Poster

What Is Difference Between Bread Flour And Plain Flour Bread Poster jpg (1076x630)

Cover What Is Difference Between Bread Flour And Plain Flour Bread Poster (1076x630)

Table of Contents

  1. What is 00 Flour?
  2. What is Bread Flour?
  3. What are the differences between 00 Flour and Bread Flour?
  4. Which one should you use for pizza dough?
  5. Can you substitute one for the other?

What is 00 Flour?

00 flour is a type of flour that is commonly used in Italian cuisine. It is a finely milled flour that is made from soft wheat. The term "00" refers to the texture of the flour, which is very fine and powdery. This type of flour is often used to make pasta, pizza dough, and pastries.

One of the reasons why 00 flour is so popular in Italian cuisine is because it produces a very tender and delicate dough. This is because the low protein content in the flour helps to prevent the formation of gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat and is responsible for giving dough its elasticity and chewiness. By using 00 flour, the dough will be less elastic and more tender.

Another benefit of using 00 flour is that it absorbs less water than other types of flour. This can be particularly useful when making pizza dough, as it helps to prevent the dough from becoming too wet and difficult to handle.

What is Bread Flour?

Bread flour is a type of flour that is commonly used to make bread. It is made from hard wheat, which has a higher protein content than soft wheat. The protein in bread flour is what gives bread its structure and chewiness.

One of the benefits of using bread flour is that it produces a strong and elastic dough. This is because the high protein content in the flour helps to create gluten. Gluten is essential for bread-making, as it helps the dough to rise and gives the bread its structure.

Another benefit of using bread flour is that it absorbs more water than other types of flour. This can be particularly useful when making bread, as it helps to create a moist and tender crumb.

What are the differences between 00 Flour and Bread Flour?

One of the main differences between 00 flour and bread flour is the protein content. 00 flour has a lower protein content than bread flour, which makes it less elastic and more tender. Bread flour, on the other hand, has a higher protein content, which makes it stronger and more elastic.

Another difference between the two flours is the texture. 00 flour is very fine and powdery, while bread flour has a coarser texture. This is because 00 flour is made from soft wheat, which has a lower mineral content, while bread flour is made from hard wheat, which has a higher mineral content.

The type of dough that is produced by each flour is also different. 00 flour produces a very tender and delicate dough, while bread flour produces a strong and elastic dough.

Which one should you use for pizza dough?

When it comes to making pizza dough, both 00 flour and bread flour can be used. However, if you want to create a Neapolitan-style pizza, then 00 flour is the way to go. This is because it produces a very tender and delicate crust that is characteristic of Neapolitan-style pizza.

If you want to create a New York-style pizza, then bread flour is a better option. This is because it produces a stronger and more elastic dough that can withstand the weight of the toppings.

Can you substitute one for the other?

While 00 flour and bread flour are not interchangeable, they can be substituted for each other in certain recipes. If a recipe calls for 00 flour and you don't have any, then you can use bread flour as a substitute. However, you will need to make some adjustments to the recipe to compensate for the difference in protein content and texture.

Similarly, if a recipe calls for bread flour and you don't have any, then you can use 00 flour as a substitute. However, you may need to add some extra water to the recipe to compensate for the fact that 00 flour absorbs less water than bread flour.


Both 00 flour and bread flour have their own unique characteristics and are best suited for different types of recipes. If you want to create a tender and delicate dough, then 00 flour is the way to go. If you want to create a strong and elastic dough, then bread flour is the better option. While you can substitute one for the other in certain recipes, it is important to keep in mind the differences in protein content and texture.

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